I wonder sometimes if you ever think of me; however I would not walk a thousand miles just to see you.
I do not need you, I might want you, and I do not know if I would love you. Two out of three might not be bad; but I think that it may just be one at the most and that is probably worst.
So, those are not the right words and have a different meaning than the actual song, but both are songs I cannot get out of my head. Why is love such a huge topic on all entertainment. I am tired of it and I am really tired of being asked my marital status when doing anything for my son. Why do they have to ask for my “husband’s name”? Why can they just not ask if there is an additional person that I would like to put as a contact name and or number? I would love to be married, but I would also like to have everything together before I even start dating again. Why is it so bad when that a child is raise by a single mom? I am just so tired of hearing people say things about it. I am tired people asking me if I am dating anyone. Most of all I am tired of on all entertainment there are no true single parents. Everyone has to be in relationships and no one can just be single. I know I am going on a long rant, but I am just so irritated.
There are guys I think I would like to date if I had the chance, but I need to get my life fully together before I go on a date. Sure it would be nice to date again, but from what I have learned from my past and through reading, one need to have their self together before entering into relationships with others.
I guess what I am trying to say is I am fine with being single and some days it would be nice to have someone in Mr. Man and mine’s life. I do not need anyone else for now and for now need needs to outweigh want. Need should always outweigh want, but this is a time where it is even more important.
I still wonder if you ever think of me, but I still will not walk a thousand miles just to see you or anyone. Maybe if I ever fall in love I might change my mind about that, but even then I have someone who is always going to be more important to me. I probably still will not walk a thousand miles for anyone.