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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Times Change and People Do Too.

We all change, whether it be for better or for worst.  Since we change everything around us has to change and what does not adapt is often left behind.  While some change is good, other change can be bad.  Society has changed before when celebrities acted up they would be punished, whether it cost them their show or their fans.  Now, if they act up they all most get praised for it.  Had Chris Brown or Lindsey Lohan done what have done their careers would have been over.  Way back when, stars would leave the money and go fight for their country to show their fans that they were just like them.
Jimmy Stewart was to old for the draft, so he gained weight (because he was to underweight) and enlisted.  He would put of fights when military would not put him in battle, and eventually they put him in battle.  When he signed up he did not know if when he came back he would still be able to act, yet he gave up the money for the greater good. So did a lot of other stars back them.  What happened?  Now we have had presidents who have skipped out on the draft or had their daddy pay for them to not actually get in the middle of the action.  We have star who are rude and careless, yet they are praised.  Their fan base grows with ever fight or neurotic thing that they say.
At the same time, we still have some stars who actually care about other and do try to do good.  We have star who do thing for selfless reason and yet they get less press about what good they did.  It is a sad time when we have become so desensitized to what good could be done in this large world.  In a world where kids are getting bullied at school and the schools are not doing anything about it, and the military is almost worst than the fashion world about weightloss, how can we see what good is still being done out there?
I am not saying that I do not ever watch a reality star fight, but I also look to see what good some star are still doing out there.  Some stars I will stop watch due to the selfishness and ridiculousness.  We have the power to change this.  If we do not want to see this anymore than we could stop watching, or we could not elect the officials.  No one is perfect I understand; however some have gone over the top.
What is the saddest part that no one understands is that most of these celebrities choose this as their career, yet when they throw a fit or get thrown in jail we excused them.  If a teacher or any adult who is suppose to be a role model to kids, had done what Micheal Vick, Ben Roethlisberger, Brett Favre, Chris Brown, or Miley Cyrus they would have been fired and not aloud to work in that industry again.  People always say, "Well they did not choose to be a role model."  Many do not choose many aspects of their job that they do not like, yet they still have to deal with it or they will lose their job.  A nurse does not get to choose to not deal with the over night shift, but cuts are made and they were told if they did not take it then they could loose their job and they could not afford that.  Everyone in the I.T. industry does not choose to always be on call 24/7; however, they are now stuck be on call 24/7.  So, how it not the same for the celebrities?  Why do they get a free pass when the common man has to struggle with aspects of their jobs that they hate?
I have no answers to all the questions I asked, but what I do know is that we are the fans.  We are the consumers and we are letting this happen.  Kids are growing up with bad role model, society as a whole is being desensitized, and we are letting all this happen.  We choose this.  Just think about the next you watch your favorite celebrity doing wrong.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mr. Man the Helper

Mr. Man has decided that when helping is interesting he wants to help out as much as he can.  Shredding is now his favorite thing to do.  He can turn it off (but not on) and he can put the papers in there.  If he is handed paper he takes it right over to the shredder and will wait for an adult to turn it on.

Going outside is another favorite past time for him, so if he wants to head outside he will get all the supplies to go clean up the backyard.  He will go open the cabinet and get everything out and then go stand at the backdoor waiting.  I do not let him clean up the backyard.  The dogs will follow us out there and he will play around with or without them while I take care of everything.

He keeps wanting to help so I let him when he can.  If I am unloading the dishwasher, I will let him help with the safe dishes.  I do not want to discourage this helping thirst he has and I hope he keeps it while growing up.  As always Mr. Man has some sort of plan in his little head.


Mr. Man is now calling the cat, "Itty." We told him it was a kitty so now he follows her around and keeps shouting "Itty" over and over again.  He will even stop eating so that he can call her.  I find it funny how if you ask him where is foot is or where is his mama, he gives you a blank look.  However, you ask him where the "Itty" is he will get up and go try to find her and if he has to he will build steps to get to her.  He can also go find his disc if asked, but for most he will go find the "Itty" as fast as he can.  I am hoping that soon he will call her Kitty soon, but if he does not then that is fine as long as he is happy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I have figured out that Mr. Man does help out some when the thoughts of dating come around.  While I strive to want more in a guy (not always the case before), now it is even more important to find a guy who is better and not to settle for less.  Waiting is what is best for now, since there are not to many guys right now that fall into my strict opening for guys that I would potentially date or have any type of relationship with; however, that is fine for me because I need to focus on school and work, there is no time to.  Still with my "I do not want to date." vibe out and me saying "I do not have time to date right now" guy are still interested.  This has helped me come up with a list of things that if guys do then they are not right for Mr. Man or his mommy.

The guy who keeps asking you out on dates, after you have already gently turned him down before, only to hear, "Well, we can just hang out if you would like."  Worst next day he asks you out on a date again.  ~  Big heads up, if I said that I was busy yesterday I am most likely busy today as well.  It is so annoying when you do this, it actually repeals me.  It makes me think that there is one thing that you want and only one thing.
The next guys is even worst the guy who keeps asking for sex.  Worst yet when they ask you sleep with them and tell them that you have a kid and TELLS YOU TO BRING HIM WITH. ~ OK, just hearing that alone, you have no chance.  I tried to be nice and tell you know and now you say to bring my kid and he can go in the other room.  You have to have something wrong with you to think that is fine.  If any women actually does that with you I feel sorry for her kids.
I just do not know what so say about the next type of guy.  How about this any guy who actually gives you an ultimatum, well he is scum (but not worst than the previous guy).  ~  Really you want to make me make a choice.  Well just for that I do not care who are or where you come from. I am going to choose what is best for Mr. Man and that means not choosing you.  No guy gives me an ultimatum.

If I would be ashamed to introduce you to anyone that I care about then you do not make the cut. I also do not want someone just show up at my house because I would not leave my house out nor answer my phone.

For now Mr. Man, school, working, and trying to find a job will be the only things I focus on, but when I do start dating I know types of guys not to date.